Cadillac Mountain Sunrise
Good to be home. Finished the John Paul Caponigro workshop n Monday and drove back yesterday. And quite the week it was with the long days and the early sunrise (4:30AM first light). Never really got to a sunset as it was definitely early to bed and early to rise.....
Cadillac Mountain
Went to Monhegan for the first time and not withstanding being seasick it is truly a magical place. We were out there most of the day, returning to the mainland at 530PM....Next morning we hit sunrise up in Acadia on Cadillac Mountain - only 1527 feet but the light was spectacular - went to Clark Island, Jordan Pond and Bath, Maine. Allot or work but it kept you on your toes...
Storm Clouds -Monhegan Island Ferry
I was totally blocked when I got to Maine and challenged myself to shoot without a tripod, only use a wide angle lens and work on foreground placement. I was making the same images over and over again and needed to break out of the slump - even my IPhone images were beginning to all look the same. Challenging yourself with these types of 'out of comfort zone' exercises are a good way to break through and as my friend David said, 'make imperfectly perfect' images - leaving flaws in the captures.
Sunrise, Rockland Harbor
I believe this exercise led me to a few of those magical moments - not having to worry about a cumbersome tripod of heavy lens I was able to move quickly when an image peaked my curiosity. Workshops are great for learning from others and this week proved to hammer that point home -
Carnival, Bath, Maine
The three images posted today are a result of last weeks challenge.
Loved that picture...Carnival, Bath, Maine.